Commonly Seen Barcoding Errors
a. Barcoding mixup – When a barcode is put on an incorrect product, this causes the wrong product to be checked-in and eventually shipped out to customer. If the error goes undiscovered, it can cause long delays in receiving/shipping before it is able to be fixed.
b. Resized barcodes – This is when a barcode is resized to fit the packaging of a product. When they are not properly resized to scale, the scanners cannot read the lines, causing the product to not get received
c. Scratched or faded – This happens when the ink on a barcode has rubbed off or a blemish makes the lines un-scannable. Whenever possible, have the UPC code printed directly on the packaging.
d. Barcodes with no digits – This is when a barcode does not have identifying numbers below it. While the scanners can still read the UPC code, we will not be able to identify the barcode if it is damaged (scratched, faded, etc).
e. Barcodes on uneven surfaces – If the surface distorts the barcode, then we will not be able to scan it. This goes for round, protruding, or extremely rough surfaces.
f. Extra “0” in code – Commonly we see labels that input a “0” in front of the intended barcode. (example: barcode physically reads “123456789” ; barcode scans “0123456789”). This can create an issue when trying to scan or upload your barcodes to our system. Please make sure that any leading zeros are able to be scanned and uploaded to the system properly.
g. Capitalization matters – If your barcode has any letters in it, please note that the capitalization of the letters does matter. For example, if the barcode has all lowercase letters in it but has uppercase letters in our system, those barcodes will not match and the barcode on the physical item will not be able to be scanned. To ensure that all SKUs get checked in correctly, ensure that the barcode on the physical product matches what is uploaded to our system.