Simplicity Matters

There’s an old saying that tells us “brevity is the soul of wit.” Meaning, the shorter joke will always be better than a long one. Simply put this says, why use 1000 words where only 10 will do the job just as much. Being minimalist with words and yet still conveying the message across effectively is an art one will have to learn when it comes to advertising. The goal here is for your product to convey essential information instantly and still stand out from other products on the shelves thereby increasing the chances of a sale.

Word Volume Matters – Your Product Labels

What is essential is to start with a list of the important ideas you want to put across with your branding, then the next step would be to create shorter version of these ideas completely independent of each other. For example, if one of the things you need people to know is that you shouldn’t store the product outside, whilst exposed to the elements you would then need to think about the absolute shortest way that you can say it.  It may be that something is quite important that, you will still need 15-20 words to say it. In that case then so be it, but if you can still meaningfully reduce the amount of words down to 10, that can still be great. Five words would be a bonus. Having worked this out for all the different ideas, the final step involves bringing all these distilled essential information tit bits together into what will eventually form your product label. What other people don’t often appreciate is that white space is a powerful tool especially when used properly. Spacing out your information, instead of grouping everything together can make for a product label that has lovely easy to follow content.

Not all things can be described in words………

The human brain is inclined towards visual cues, meaning that people easily follow directions via pictures more than text.  The adage that a picture is worth a 1000 words, whilst not to be taken literally, the rule of thumb is if you can express something visually then you SHOULD. This is the easy route to creating a sleek and straightforward product label. Doing this exercise for just one product will help you create a product label that is not only just “easy to read, you will also end with a framework for a design that is effective in all the ways that you need. If you’d like to discuss more about how to design your label and the many ways we can help you convey your brand image, contact DC Labels today on 010 591 0551.